Mount Pleasant Skatepark

3161 Ontario St, Vancouver, BC (49.25726275789807 -123.1066049292237)

Monday 11/28/22 3:45 PM. Three skaters at time of recording.


Mount Pleasant Skatepark and Noise

This skatepark, also known as “Ples”, is located in Mount Pleasant Park off the busy 16th ave and near Main Street. The space is adjacent to a playground, basketball courts, and other recreation areas. It is also the closest park to residents that I have documented. Note the large chain-linked fence around the area to prevent skaters from entering late at night.

In 2015, noise complaints spurred a demolition proposal in the Vancouver park board. The recommendation, which would cost taxpayers $40,000, was one of three options staff put in an April 27 board meeting report. Rallies were held to protest the skatepark from getting demolished. In 2017, the decision was postponed.

Image source: Richard Zussman/CBC


Average dB Readings

This chart is shows average dB reading of a skatepark from 30ft away, in relation to everyday sounds of private and public life. Data is from (Skatepark Association of the USA) and Hearing Health Foundation.

Put in perspective, Pro Sports Games lock in at around 95-100 dB, whereas skateboarding generally comes in around 60-80 dB depending on proximity and materials being skated (as well as the tricks being done but that’s not often talked about).